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there was more to this, but the drive ran out of space, so there is another 30 mins of me talking to myself that will be of of no interest to anyone.



Detractor's Commentary: Lockdown reviews



So how’s your health on that end fellas? Physical and mental? Here in Las Vegas I’m just hoping they don’t open everything up so that we won’t become those test subjects our mayor wants us to be.


That’s what you get for watching Corona Zombies, Robin. 😉


Pretty good. I think we are both use to working from home and independently so it has not been such a shock to the system. Been having zoom game nights with friends, but looking forward to being able meet people again. Talk to family most days, but dont know when I will be able to see them again, so that's wierd. But been able to have a good work regime which no doubt will fall down the drain the moment things open up. GT


I did see an Asian horror film recently called "0.0mHz" on Shudder. It was really good and may be a brilliant film upon a second viewing (not sure if I'm interrupting a twist correctly). I would like a second opinion if anyone else has seen it.


Robin's mustache deserves its own response video (I won't say detractor commentary, tho)


But seriously, I hope you watch 'Blood Quantum' - a superb new zombie film from Canada that uses zombies as an allegory for white settlers on Indigenous land.


I like Robin's new look. All he needs now is a 3 Musketeers costume and a sword!


What is is about Zombies? Why are people so fascinated with them? They aren't sexy like vampires, or silly like werewolves, or just plain daft like Man in a Rubber Suit monsters. I don't get it...


I refuse to hear a bad word said about Men in Rubber Suit Monsters! Huzzah! Godzilla didn't get where he is today without a rubber suit or three...


I don't know! I can't stand zombie movies and don't generally watch them. But Blood Quantum is really good in the way it uses a horror genre to make an incredibly strong social statement.