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Not sure when the reviews I'm writing now will make it out there or in what form, but this one will be worth the wait. What the actual fuck?!

It's amazing to me that after close to ten years there are still films of this quality out there which, not only have we not done, but which we haven't even heard of. Definitely a candidate for the worst movie ever (probably not boring enough to win), definitely going to be a long review and a long detractors commentary as well. Utterly baffling plot and dreadful acting but what's really breathtaking is the unmotivated nonsensical things the characters do and the ways in which they behave, like they are just automata to take the film to where the filmmakers want it to go.

I was pleased to discover that in the User reviews section of IMDB the producer of the film has written a bit on why it's so bad and everything that went wrong. Worth reading.




This is the type of film that is more entertaining to watch reviews of than watch. You get to miss the more dreadful parts that way. Thanks, guys!


You just know that any actor who ever worked on this one (or similar) has replaced it with something, anything else. They were in prison for murder, doing volunteer work with Lepers, training child soldiers in Africa, just not involved in this movie.


Oh, God! I'd forgotten about this. I am a lover of weird shit, always have been. But being weird is no excuse for being shite (someone once said). On saying that, I did have a massive crush on Debra Hunter, and there is something strangely appealing about the song that plays over the end credits.


I can't wait for the DC review of this bizarre sounding film. Will it be bad enough to be funny? The Wikipedia article makes sit sound pretty awful... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nightmare_Weekend . Hope the DC boys' brains don't melt.


Got another suggestion for a Lockdown review, (and this time I've got the title right) The Gamers Dorkness Rising; my favorite line is "Let's hide behind the pile of dead bards" {you have to be there...} https://smile.amazon.com/Gamers-Dorkness-Rising-Carol-Roscoe/dp/B0744YMXH4/ref=sr_1_1?crid=38U2JX3FA7YWM&dchild=1&keywords=the+gamers+dorkness+rising&qid=1586215474&sprefix=the+gamers+dorkne%2Caps%2C229&sr=8-1


Very much looking forward!!!!