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 Robin gives an update on how the new normal has affected current Dark Corners projects (not much), future ones (little bit) and life around DCHQ (varies depending on who you talk to). 


Behind The Scenes: Dark Corners in Self-Isolation

Robin gives an update on how the new normal has affected current Dark Corners projects (not much), future ones (little bit) and life around DCHQ (varies depending on who you talk to).



Guess he has time to read my script then... 😉


Only kidding Graham, take your time... my greatness is already assured. 🧐


First and foremost, take care and stay safe. Ah, the anti-social, sedentary life of a writer. Who would have thought that would end up a survival skill?


I really liked the Lockdown video and am looking forward to more. If they’re significantly less effort at all, I’d like to see them be a regular thing. I might even prefer them around the 3 minute mark just to make them even more bite sized than your usual ones.


Thanks for the update. I'm sure you'll work something out for the regular reviews. Sign me up for the Quiz book please! I'm on a scheduled vacation right now, waiting to find out if I'll be working from home. I'm actually going out to the shops more often than before, just to see what's on the shelves & if they've got any toilet paper in stock. Fortunately, here in darkest Central California, I go everywhere by private car & engage in "social distancing", which is the new watch-word. Amazon is still doing great work, but they can only deliver what they have access to, so paper products are a non-starter. Take care and know that we all look forward to your videos!


I appreciate the update. I'm fortunate enough to have a full-time work-from-home writing job, so I sympathize with you having to relate to someone who is (temporarily) out of work. Things are under lock down over in my part of the Philippines and since I'm over 60, I would be staying home, anyway. The one thing that struck me was your mention of a "history of zombies" special. I think that would make for a killer video (no pun intended). Even so, you guys have fulfilled all my wishes and life's ambitions when you did the review of "Wild world of Batwoman" (that I had been requesting for a few years) - so, I'll just see what comes next from Dark Corners. Stay safe... :)