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Probably not the worst thing to happen because of the Corona Virus but still frustrating. We're planning to release a whole bunch of short top tens to coincide with the new film. I watched everything from Dr No to Skyfall in less than a week, up to 4 films a day. I haven't been able to work on anything else. And now the release has been pushed to November, apparently because of the corona virus although I privately hope they plan to cut about half an hour out of what is apparently a very long film. Now I have the problem that I can either write the top tens now while it's all fresh in my head, AND write a new special for April (March is a write-off now), or I wait until November and watch them all again. Oh well.. rb




Write the Top Tens now, while it's fresh. Release them in April; they'll act as a sort of teaser to get people wondering about the new film. If you wait and watch them all over again in November, not only will your head explode, but you will not be able to recapture the freshness of your initial opinions.


Agreed. I'd do the Top Tens now so you can capture your freshest thoughts. You might put off the special for a bit if that's feasible to get closer to the new release date.


What Robin forgets is that I still have to edit these, so the sooner he writes the more time I have to edit and I won't be rushing their releases at the last second...


Agreed about the fresh opinions over stale ones.


I'm with Colleen, get those thoughts down now.

Peter Grantham

I think you should write the top tens now while your thoughts are fresh. Also, if you do that you don’t have to rewatch the 80s and 90s films unless you’re suffering from insomnia.