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Apparently this was quite an important film in Indonesian film history. It's also crazy cheap and the dub has done it no favours at all. There's definitely enough for a Dark Corners review but it also has one scene in the middle that is one of my favourite in any film we've ever reviewed. I'm not sure that it's laugh out loud funny to watch, it's just very, very weird and the longer it goes on the weirder it gets. I've ended up using pretty much the whole scene in the review with me interjecting. It's won't be out for months because we're way ahead at the moment but I'm really looking forward to it.




This film has a permanent place on my hard drive and I watch it, every now and then. It's absolutely insane. It also references a legend that is prevalent, here, in the Philippines regarding a creature known as an Aswang. This creature is known to suck out the fetus of a pregnant woman and there are a lot of locals who seriously believe in it. I was amazed at this, when I first moved out here.


I believe the UK edition of the Fiend Folio (classic D&D) had this creature as an entry. Didn't know it was based on a real legend until I saw the film.


I love this film in spite of it's obvious limitations. It is the product of an entirely different culture with different ideas of what is horror.