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One we've been looking for, even though, like most Jerry Warren films, it fails to live up to that title. Still worth doing but my first draft is pretty short because once you've got past the fact that it's hilariously cheap and makes the 1960s Batman it was mimicking look like The Godfather, there's not a lot else to say. The plot is beyond mockery and all you can do is sit back and wonder that anyone bothered. One question about the poster; what does 'Her Thrills Rip Forth' mean?




The amazingly racist faux-Asian language “spirit” they summon at a seance was the point at which I had to stop the first time I watched it. Even MST3K isn’t enough to help this film. Glad you are reviewing it so I can hear what you think of another Warren dumpster fire.

steve scibelli

Awesome! This played as a double feature with a Batman seriel that all the kids in the audience were pissed because it wasn’t the Adam West Batman. We were hoodwinked.. .Robin had curly hair and they drive around in a Buick.


This is one of my absolute favorite "bad" films. It's beyond belief - from the "séance" scene to the "oath". Katherine Victor created her own costume from leftovers in her closet (and it shows). I wonder if "Her thrills rip forth" is anything like a "Thrill-cade of excitement". I've been waiting forever for this review. Many thanks, guys!


The séance was indeed a classic. It rivaled the séance from Ed Wood's "Night of the Ghouls".


Love this movie


I am so grateful that, after the last few years, asking for this particular review (and finding a decent copy to hook you up with), that I've decided to select a higher tier for my Patreon support. In addition to your working on this film, I have found the Patreon service, that you provide, to be an exceptional value. This is no small decision, since I'm just a poor writer, by profession, living out here in the Philippines.. Thanks, guys :)


Hey fans - here's the original link for you to check out - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qV_yBTT9PEU


And... the awesome (but by no means as valued as the historical videos of the FAR SUPERIOR "Dark Corners" efforts) the (defunct) MSTK3K video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PBvH_o3B6RE


Just paid my monthly Patreon invoice. It's a steal at just $10 per month, for all you get. Oh yes, thanks for working on "The Wild World of Batwoman" and thanks for allowing access to some of the best content on the Internet! I know - because I support myself a professional writer - so I can appreciate the research and presentations.