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Detractor's Commentary: House of the Living Dead



The Asphyx (1972) with Robert Stephens is a fairly decent bad movie. You have to have a very near death experience for the process to work, such as having someone almost cut off your head, so you can imagine the potential for things to go wrong! As I recall, it ends with an immortal Robert Stephens heading off into the sunset with his immortal guinea pig. Literally, a guinea pig to keep him company.


👆 what she said basically except I think it’s a forgotten gem of a movie/ super weird like Graham said with plenty of things to banter about. Plus it looks like a Hammer movie and Ghostbusters almost certainly rips off at least one scene from it. Also, Graham, if you’re going to be a splaylegged hussy at least wear dark pants (or capitalize on it and lure in more Patreon bucks with it).