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Robin gives his reaction to the trailer for Leigh Whannel's Invisible Man reboot.


Rapid Response: The Invisible Man Trailer

Robin gives his thoughts on the trailer for Leigh Whannel's Invisible Man reboot.



Has there ever been a trailer which made a good movie look bad? There’s endless examples of the opposite, and I’m sure many which mislead you as to what the movie is (see Hail, Caesar!), but I can’t think of any where people panned the trailer in retrospect for doing a good film wrong.


How the hell did it get from the original film to this? Once Blumhouse got a hold of it, all hope was lost.


Your frustration is palpable and understandable. This is not a re-boot of "The Invisible Man," this is a re-boot of "Hollow Man" which I remember as an astonishingly ugly experience. The Blumhouse approach is pretty damn ugly in itself, cynical and self-consuming...and nowhere near as artist friendly as they pretend to be,

Simon Esslemont

is it more like the "entity" movie ideas which came out in the 80's?

Simon Esslemont

meaning an abuse of the woman by an invisible force. Love James Whale.