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Robin updates progress on his London After Midnight stage play.


Behind the Scenes: London After Midnight

Robin updates on the progress of his London After Midnight play.



You’re going to reach a point where drama will win over history. It usually does. But as long as your writing is honest to the characters and their relationships you’ll be fine. When’s the last time someone complain “Amadeus” wasn’t historically accurate?

steve scibelli

... or Gore Vidal’s Burr. There’s truth in drama


“I bet somebody did.” Probably the same guy who complained about Julie Chistie’s hairdo in “Dr. Zhivago.”


I heard somewhere the old saying, "Sometimes the best you can do is the best you can do." History is a funny thing. Take the Christian Bible for example. There are exactly zero (0) original manuscripts of any of the New Testament books. No original anything + editing throughout the ages = a best seller. Moral of the story--work with what you got, and add bit of this, and a dash of that and the next thing you know you have a success on your hands.