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She searched through the dark corridors of the unknown only to find ... The Slayer (1982)

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Summary: Siblings, Eric & his surreal artist sister Kay, her doctor husband David, her sister-in-law Brooke along with pilot Marsh become stranded on a rugged isle face off against a supernatural beast drawn to Kay who dreams of its killings.

Written and presented by Robin Bailes @robinbailes

Directed and Edited by Graham Trelfer



Review: The Slayer

She searched through the dark corridors of the unknown only to find ... The Slayer (1982) You can now support Dark Corners on Patreon: www.patreon.com/darkcorners Buy Movie: USA: https://amzn.to/2QvXtko UK: https://amzn.to/2S0MvQi Subscribe: http://bit.ly/19qoZ5p Facebook: http://on.fb.me/RvhRdc Twitter: https://twitter.com/DarkCorners3 @DarkCorners3 Summary: Siblings, Eric & his surreal artist sister Kay, her doctor husband David, her sister-in-law Brooke along with pilot Marsh become stranded on a rugged isle face off against a supernatural beast drawn to Kay who dreams of its killings. A special thanks to our Dark Cultist Patreon supporters. Shadows - Michael Bailes, Lavaughn Towell, Steve Scibelli, Luke Chaston, Dan D Doty, Aidan Woodard, Hidden Trail Video, Micheal Jackson, Christie Bryden, Joseph Dougherty, Chris Hewson, David Adler, Chris Weakely, Brad Webb, Zachary Nolan, Ben Simpson, The Blue Room, Acolytes – Dave Smith, Connor Brennan, Scott Gillespie, Dark_Roast, Colleen Crouch, Kathy Shaidle, Initiates – Maria Gd, Melissa Hayes, Felix Weibig , Alexandra Virgiel, Stephen LaPlante, Greg Hartwick, Jim Parshall, Tim Smith, Frazer Rymph, Derek Summers, Bob de Builder, Michael Schwern, Raven House Mystery, Gadget Blues, Jakub Kabenski, Double-U, Brian Ullmark, Roop 298 Written and presented by Robin Bailes @robinbailes Directed and Edited by Graham Trelfer DARK CORNERS OF THIS SICK WORLD S09E07



I assume you were too harsh on Blue Sunshine 😏 It wasn’t exactly The Usual Suspects, but it had this nice atmosphere and pacing to it, I thought. And you were a bit too hard on Samurai Cop, at least relatively speaking. It’s arguably the most entertaining movie from Amir Shervan. Gypsy being secondmost.


I disagree with you violently. I don’t think it’s a good film but I do think it gets criticised too much. It’s very slow but I think it does pay off quite well WHEN things actually happen. Great review though as usual. I know you want people to mention zardoz as a film “got wrong” but I won’t mention zardoz because if I mention zardoz other people will remember your review of zardoz in which you slated zardoz...I think I got away with it.