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A rare instance of the actual make-up being better than the poster. This is one I watched years ago and dismissed, but people keep mentioning it so I thought I'd give it another try. Having re-watched I can understand why I didn't bother - we used to do more 50s monster movies and this has almost nothing to distinguish it and the stuff that does is in its favour. Notably, the hero is not annoying or heroic - I really like that he is a womanising alcoholic whose flaws lead to his downfall. Unfortunately he is also stupid, although not as stupid as the doctors who let him leave hospital knowing that he could turn into a lizard at any point, which at least gave me enough to bitch about to make a review feasible.




By the way, the reason there's a lot of 'I'm Working On' and not a lot else at the moment is that I'm trying to get all these written before Monday so we don't have to shoot again till after Christmas. rb


Awesome. Haven't seen it in decades but it scared me as a kid.


You might consider The Maze (1953). To be fair, the only thing to really mock is the ending, but wow is it a silly one.