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This weekend I was lucky enough to see a screening of 1987's Robocop with live commentary from the writer Edward Neumeier.  One deleted idea he shared with us, was after the gang shoots Murphy to (near) death, they were going to exit whistling "Hi Ho" from Snow White,  asked if it was too expensive, he replied that Disney had said no.

After the screening we got to ask some questions, he was obviously disappointed by the sequels and remake, although he has chatted to everyone involved and studio interference ruined the ideas behind the films.  He also revealed he is working on a direct sequel to the original film. He got the idea for the film after sneaking onto the set of Blade Runner and thinking the robots in that film were too lifelike. 

I took the opportunity to ask what he thought of shameless rip off "Robo Vampire"  and he revealed that he loved it -- along with all the global knock offs. This is hardly surprising as his reasons behind not liking the recent remake was its lack of humour.  Without doubt Robo Vampire does not take itself seriously.



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