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This is interesting because its main problem is that it feels like exactly what it is; a TV movie. All the themes and ideas are there that could make this a feature, but its ambitions fall short and it feels spectacularly underwritten, kinda like a first draft. I've got to think that given more time the writer would have gone back and filled in some of the gaping holes; decided exactly what the gargoyles want; made the hero responsible for fewer deaths; that sort of thing. The ending especially makes it feel like an early 90s TV sci-fi, like Next Gen or Buffy (and the director did work on Buffy, among other similar shows), but without the sharp writing of those shows. So; interesting, though not enjoyable, and with decent make up. 




I think the most interesting thing about Gargoyles is how I’ve seen DVDs in the wild going for like $40 and right now on eBay there’s multiple ones with asking prices over $100. Also it stars Grayson Hall, who’s very regular character on Dark Shadows still had absolutely no chill even after multiple horrific encounters 😆 As far as the movie itself goes though, I like it’s very Southwestern setup with that tourist trap. And I liked how the guy running it kept the real deal under wraps. Still wasn’t any good, and the slow motion was laughable.