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Here's a rarity; the poster is actually a pretty accurate reflection of what the movie is about, unlike the title. I was really looking forward to watching Raiders of Atlantis and it was a monstrous disappointment; just an endless gunfight between ill-defined groups of people. Doesn't make sense, doesn't come to a satisfying conclusion and doesn't have nearly enough to do with Atlantis. Really hated this one.




But its a “Video Treasure”, they’re not allowed to lie about that.... are they?

Chris Hewson

Ah, I was going to recommend this one to you guys!...Or maybe I did already. I can't remember. haha. Anyway, I wholly agree with your assessment, although my general opinion sways more on the positive side (even if only in the 'so bad it's good' kind of way). I do feel disappointed in the film though because it does show promise early on, building up a spooky atmosphere and a foreboding near Lovecraftian plot, then just sorta fizzles and gives way to endless fight scenes.