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I love this one. It should go without saying that the poster has an ambition the film doesn't come close to matching but I found the film hilarious and I'm really looking forward to the review. And I don't have to preempt that review here because there's more to talk about. When I looked up the poster on Google Images I found Robo Vampires 2 and 3. So I looked them up on IMDB - nothing. So I tried the subtitles Devil's Dynamite and Counter Destroyer and found the films, but Devil's Dynamite aka Robo Vampire 2 came out the year before Robo Vampire, and having skimmed through Robo Vampire 3 on YouTube I can't find the Robo Warrior (which is what the character is actually called) in it. My best guess would be that they were re-packaged after Robo Vampire became a minor cult success. It should give us something to talk about in Detractor's commentary. If the review goes well - which I really hope it does - then we'll have to do the other 2.



Chris Hewson

Oooh, nice pick! I just rewatched all three, and they're all certainly something! Devil Dynamite is about a Taoist robot warrior fighting vampires (despite not believing them) while the 'Movie A' section is a grounded crime flick overdubbed to include hilariously casual references to the undead, like when the lead tells another character (a policeman) that his girlfriend is a villain and what she's done, and his response is "Bullshit, she never mentioned any vampires to me!". haha As for Counter Destroyer, it's a bizarre flick about woman working on a script about an emperor of China, and this story is such a hot commodity that competing studios are literally killing each-other with hired assassins to get the film rights. There are also vampires, ninjas battling zombies with exploding footprints, and a Freddy Krueger knockoff hired to haunt the lead and steal the rights. There's a reason you couldn't find the Robo Warrior on a cursory glance, and that's because he only shows up in the last 5 minutes, completely out of nowhere!! These are all delightfully fun/terrible, and it'd be great watching you cover them.