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 A grovelling apology from Robin for the lateness of our special on silent film director F. W. Murnau and some flimsy excuses. 


Behind the Scenes: F. W. Murnau Again

A grovelling apology from Robin for the lateness of our special on silent film director F. W. Murnau and some flimsy excuses.



Robin, I know your type (people with an actual work ethic) so I know it won’t help much, but I’d say not to worry so much. You’ve given yourself a big job after all. Just keep pumping the weekly reviews out and we’ll be too distracted to gather up our torches and pitchforks for a while.


You do realize you’re demonstrating the sort of dedication that makes the waiting worthwhile. And the deluge was a nice touch.

steve scibelli

I follow you because of your love, insight and your personel opinions on film. If you get carried away on a subject I’ll go along for the ride. Hit me with all the Murnau you want.