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How can you not want to see Donald Pleasence and Peter Cushing together with a minotaur? To be honest, I don't feel like this is Pleasence at his best (the Irish accent is a little wayward), but Cushing is icily compelling in even his worst film. Which is good, cos I think this is even worse than The Blood Beast Terror. My big disappointment with this was the speed with which it jettisons the whole minotaur/Greek mythology stuff to focus on 'pagan' - which allows it to be just another priest fighting the devil. Since when was the devil a minotaur? They both have horns but surely you need more than that? I have to think that there was more that could have been done by retaining more of the mythology, and I wonder if the original script did because the sacrifice plot fits in quite well with the original legend. Potentially the script got rewritten to Exorcist it up a bit - I don't know for sure but it feels right.
Oh, and for the avoidance of doubt, any hopes you might have of seeing the scene depicted in that poster will remain cruelly unfulfilled.




Weird. I was wondering just the other day if you’d review this one.