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This one is really giving me problems. I've always believed that you have to review the film itself, not the actors, the director or the circumstances of its making. But how the hell do you do that with Roar?
For those who don't know, Roar is considered the most dangerous movie ever made, with between 70 and 100 of the crew sustaining injuries courtesy of the 150 untrained animals that the director thought they would just be able to work around. How can you comment on the film without putting it in that context? Also, just as big a problem for me, that is the tip of the iceberg of things that went south on the Roar shoot which spiraled from a 7 month schedule to last 4 years. There is so much to tell about the backstory of the film. But that will make this a very long review and is it relevant to a review? You could just look that stuff up, or there are some very good short docs on YouTube covering the film. It's hard to know when to stop with Roar and at the very least we'll be talking extensively on Detractor's Commentary, but I still have to find a way to resolve all this backstory into something that also reviews the story on its own terms. Bizarre and ill-advised though those terms may be.




I sense the first review with an asterisk.


Tippi loves her big cats, doesn’t she?


This is what started her interest in conservation - seeing how horrendously they treated the animals they used.