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One of the great joys of doing Dark Corners is seeing how little the poster reflects the movie. This is not close. Although 'animal desires' presumably refers to the unlikely romance between goat-boy and wolf-girl. The film is part of the 'people stranded on a tropical island run by a madman' genre and stars John Ashley, who made at least 4 other films in the same genre. You've got to wonder how so many madmen seem to have the disposable income necessary to buy tropical islands, and why John Ashley keeps going to them. We'll be filming our review before Christmas and it'll be out in the New Year.




Saw this at the drive-in when I saw a little kid. Got big kick out of the Man-Bat and his big scene(s) at the end of the movie. This was among a lot of horror/ action films that came out of the Philippines in the late 60's and early 70's ; It always seemed movie makers will go to where ever its easy and cheap to do so.