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:sigh: this depressed me a fair bit. the amount of stink i got over that hole "censoring" thing... i just wanted to make my art a more stale source of income, iv seen so many other artists do t i thought itd be fine. but clearly i cant do anything to extend my self in his fandom without everyone hating me v_v bleh feel terrible now but i guess il have to just go back to what i was doing



yeah most people are to happy about getting there porn they don't care about the well being of the person taking the time to provide them with it. Also sorry for the back and fourth I was having on the censored picture I know it must have spammed your inbox.


no is alright i dont clean my inbox anyway so made no difference xD it did make me realise who i can actually trust though <3


I'm sorry to hear that things turned out this way. And maybe it's my inner optimism but I'm sure one day that things will pick up for you. If there's one other thing I can say it's that these people may be able to enjoy your Patreon art for free but they will never know the satisfaction of knowing the kind of support and participation that comes with it.


You know you can always count on me to not be a derp, Bram. I'm fine with whatever you choose to peruse with your art, I just didn't want others to be all rainbow sassages wranglers about the censor things.


very true caius, not to mention this patreon is still in its infancy, il be thinking of other ways to make it more of a privilege for you guys dont worry =D


You are just starting out on here, i love your art and look forward to all your new pieces of work