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Battle of the millennia. Peaches versus Bananas. Which side will you take?

Haha, you're probably thinking, "what the hell is going on?". Simply put, it's a survey about whether there should be more emphasis on male characters in art or not. So if you are hunting for bananas , and you want full-fledged male characters to participate in the scenes, not only their separate fragments, then join the Peach Legion. Otherwise, if you're hungry for peaches, and only want to see female characters, more and different, then the Brotherhood of Bananas is your option.

We have our own opinion on this issue, but we are also interested in what you think about it. And if the final result is significantly different, we will probably make the necessary amendments in this regard.

You can also write in the comments what you think about this, if choosing an option is too easy for you.


Битва тысячелетий. Персики против бананов. На чьей стороне будете вы?

Ха-ха, вы, наверное, думаете: "что, черт возьми, происходит?". Проще говоря, это опрос о том, следует ли уделять больше внимания мужским персонажам в арте или нет. Так что если вы охотитесь за бананами, и хотите, чтобы полноценные мужские персонажи участвовали в сценах, а не только их отдельные фрагменты, то присоединяйтесь к Peach Legion. В противном случае, если вы голодны до персиков, и хотите видеть только женских персонажей, больших и разных, тогда  Brotherhood of Bananas - ваш вариант.

У нас есть свое мнение об этом вопросе, но нам также интересно, что вы думаете по этому поводу. И если конечный результат будет существенно отличаться, то, вероятно, мы внесем необходимые коррективы на этот счет.

Вы также можете написать в комментариях, что думаете об этом, если просто выбрать вариант в голосовании для вас слишком легко.



Please come back for real this time. I can't take another hiatus

Nikolay Donets

Названия явно выбраны с намёком. Если бы назвали Братство Персиков и Легион Бананов, то у читателей были бы другие ассоциации.


I wanted to know what's the soundtrack that plays during the vault, I really like it.


i personally prefer more balanced scenes ( just slightly more sole-female ) but of course that consume more time. at any that you guys decide GL HF


I'm not sure if I'm voting based on the image or what the text reads. Image tells me if I want more female scenes I vote peaches, but text says if I want more women I vote banana. So, I'm not sure which was intentional.


Agree with PhatsM, image and text seem contradictory


if u want men Vote Peach - if you Want more Female Vote bananas

Dmitriy Udovik

То есть мы увидем гей порно ?)


По мне так присутствие полноценных мужских персонажей только усилит ощущения от игры.


Нет, тут же прямо написано, стоит ли на картинки мужских персонажей тратить больше времени? или стоит оставить только отдельные фрагменты в сценах.


Конечно я за персики, но на бананы тоже не стоит забивать)


Just think about it as if you are voting not for the character, but for what this character wants.

Nikolay Donets

А по мне так, присутствие мужского персонажа в постельных сценах в фрагментарном виде, позволяет игроку ассоциировать себя с ним. Как будто сам там присутствуешь :)


Banana is for more focus on Heroine,but banana is on the Male character,that cause some misleading.....


Brotherhood of Bananas = More Ladies (Just so everyone can make an informed decision)


I'm definitely in for the brotherhood, but I'm always welcoming a balanced solution.


Brotherhood as well


This is pretty confusing the way its worded and phrased. In fact if I were you guys I wouldn't take the polls seriously at all, I'm fairly certain most people are as confused as me. If by art you mean Sex scenes then of course we want a majority of sex scenes to be with males, I don't know where you guys are but only 10% of people (That's being generous) Identify as LGBT. Not only would more straight scenes make you guys more money but it would make more people happy. Of course you guys should include lesbian scenes as well, just not as prevalent. If you mean art outside of sex scenes then absolutely not. I could give half a flying fuck if some dude in the game has art outside of a sex scene. A unique I icon is more then enough. Plus giving every "important" male character own unique art is super time consuming, time that could be spent on Actual scenes or plot.


add futanaris please


The holocaust never happened, Hitler did nothing wrong, MLK deserved it, and niggers have an average IQ 1 standard deviation below the average.

John Goodman

Oh, surprising seeing you here. So is this another one of the "Spam frowned upon shit till the author deletes it to figure out how often they check their page" type of ordeal?


You mean sexually? Or in general in the game?


We are winning by a small margin, stay strong my Banana Brothers!


Not a supporter - at least yet - but I'm here for the boobs. If you want to add images of male characters, go ahead. I don't really care. I get nothing out of it either way. As long as I get more scenes of the main character we're good.

Nikolay Donets

Ух ты! 666 голосов!


We won this fight brothers but the war is far from over!


Their better be scenes with Dogmeat.