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Hey, HandlessGhoul in touch. It's sad to tell, but I catched up some nasty cold and it turned me off for more than a week, until I came to a semi-normal. Because of this all our plans and timing of release were spoiled. I didn't even have the strength to draw you something for 14 feb.

Now I can continue to work on new events. Besides there will be new sketches for part of the planned scenes in the next post, to show you some progress. But it's sort of spoilers, so if you don't want to know before time, you better not go in there.

Also we were somewhat surprised that nobody except one of our 20$+ patrons not expressed interest in the art-rewards so far. We remind you that you just need to send us an email with any sample of what you want to see in the game. (One of the scene sketches in the post above was made at the request of the patron.)




Hope you're feeling well!


get well soon...all the best


Get well soon!


Get well


I didn't know that all patrons can send you an email, I'll be sure to send you a few suggestions!

Alexandr Solovev

Выздоравливайте там. Жду игры... и путеводителя(прохождения) по сценам, а то я в этом смысле ленивый тугодум.


Almost thought you died. Get well and thanks for telling us!


типичное затягивание времени) патроню 4 игры, еще за более чем десятком слежу и в половине стандартные посты типа "я подхватил флю флю и недели две кручу вас на хую" вы знаете, с простудой тоже можно мышкой двигать и клаву клацать, это не мешки с вагонов разгружать. без обид, но реально заебало видеть в ленте каждый третий пост с болячками.


Лол, смотрите - я поймал инвестора на Патреоне! Нравится - патронь, не нравится - не надо, никто никого не заставляет. Не вижу смысл этим настроение портить.

xRed Games

Great art style


nice game continue we need updates pleas hurry up

EmilyLove3D 18+

I like Fallout 1,2 so much! It's looks perfect!