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June is Pride month!

We haven't been super consistent about doing things for these sorts of events, but the important thing is to do what you can, when you can. This year we decided to go back to our adult chromatic dragons and make a rainbow color variant of each, which we are releasing for free. So please enjoy some very colorful dragons!

In addition to simply raising awareness (and the colorfulness of your games) with some fun token variants, Forgotten Adventures have also made a donation of 250$ to the Trevor Project this year for Pride month.
If you are able, please consider making your own donation, either to the Trevor Project, or an LGBTQ+ organization of your preference.


Have a happy Pride month everyone!

Website Link/Free Download 



Shmelvin Joestar

Super cool thing to do, great job as always


Excellent, thank you!


Beautiful work and such lovely support. Your rainbow logo looks pretty awesome too I must say!

István Végh

I was to write something but I chose not to.


No Comment on the reasoning but great job on the dragons. I think I can somehow use these. I would rather prefer something normal tho.

Tyler Reed

Saying "No comment" when none was solicited from you is actually commenting.


That's not how that works it's the same thing as saying "I have no words". it entails the disposition of not wishing to answer in regards to a statement or question. So in layman's terms I said "I like the content but do not wish to speak or comment about the reasons behind this post. Does that help you?


Oh so pretty!


I mean, there is a heart shaped button just under every post. This cool button is there exactly for people that "like the content but do not wish to speak or comment". I use it a lot.


Feedback is very important for the creator and consumer, especially when payed for. I respect Forgotten Adventures more than just a heart button.


no Comment on the non Comment about the reasoning. But wich Colors exactly are "normal Dragon" Colors. And if there are...might that just be a social construct? Have fun using them ;)


Not sure what kind of answer you're looking for. Your message is hard to understand. I believe you're asking what is "normal" that I'm referring to, correct?


Oh I think understand what your saying. Regarding to what I was referring to, as normal. I was responding to the parent post where they stated "This year we decided to go back to our adult chromatic dragons and make a rainbow color variant". I was responding with feedback saying I can use them but prefer the normal ones, referring to the original chromatic dragons. I have found a home for the white 🌈 dragon and named her Aurora.


Right but you understand how saying "No comment on" or your much longer "I do not wish to speak ... on the reasons" is both commenting and speaking on the subject? You are providing feedback with that language, which is your intention. But grats on finding a home for Aurora!❤️

Tyler Reed

Dude, there was no statement or question which was posed which your no comment made any sense for. Your no comment/"I have no words" are just passive aggressive complaining about something which has no meaningful effect on your life.


Truthfully, I don't care for the reason for these variants, but they are visually appealing. I'll probably stick with the default colors. I can definitely use the white one, as I can justify the wings as an aurora camouflage


Tyler, a statement is a sentence that ends with a period and there were plenty of statements. I believe we are looking at the same post, if so then my "no comment" statement is grammatically correct. There was never any "passive aggressive" action or statement used or said by me, I don't know where you are getting this "feeling" from.


I feel the same way. The white one is pretty nice, I named her Aurora lol.


Yeah, I'm just sick of seeing it everywhere, and this redesign honestly feels a little lazy. It's just a recolor of assets we already have. But hey, at least we both found a use for the white one. Aurora is a good name :) Sorry to see people are giving you crap over expressing your opinion (or not technically, given you said "no comment"). You're a paying customer too; you have the right to express your opinion


Nice job. Anyone that gives you crap over this should be ignored. Full stop.