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Phew~ Is it just me? or is it getting a bit hot in here...
I mean, once you look at those curves and that horny face - you are guaranteed to get hooked..... aaaaaand then butchered.

If your players are not particularly into an upcoming winter season, consider gifting them a vacation in a... more temperate climate. Where a whole host of excited fr̶iends is just waiting to give them the warmest of welcomes.

This pack contains 8 new Custom Creature Tokens each with multiple color variants:

  • Corrupted Angel - Large - *Scale200
  • Corpse Eater Spider - Large
  • Hellfire Butcher - Large - *Scale200
  • Hellfire Handmaiden A/B - Medium - *Scale300
  • Hellfire Legionnaire A/B - Medium - *Scale300
  • Hellfire Temptress A/B - Large - *Scale200
  • Mistress of Blood - Large
  • Blood Globule - Small

Total # of tokens in this pack:  113!


But that's not all, unlike our usual creature packs, these are all original & unique creatures. So we've decided to include a free PDF with statblocks and a bit of flavor text for each of them!

So you can start  ̶t̶o̶r̶t̶u̶r̶i̶n̶g̶  having fun with your players right away!

As we've never done this before, we would like to hear your thoughts and suggestions on this type of content (custom original creatures).

Please let us know what you think in the comments or on discord! If it's something you enjoy and would potentially like to see more often.



--------Download Links--------

Patreon Download 

Note: Statblocks are not part of our commercial license and are for personal use only.

Website Link/Free Download 




This is awesome! :D


I agree. Love new monsters when it has the stats block and pics and tokens too! On the PDF, thank you for making it where the text is copyable from the PDF. It should be able to be copied into the stats block importer module and brought into Foundry pretty easily then. (only easier thing would be to include the json file to just be able to import that directly into a Foundry actor).

Mellow D

Love this! Super dope.

Brandon Elms

Love the idea and it is great! I use your art in all my games and it is nice to have stat blocks to build off of. I also like how they connect. There are some issues with the builds like the Hellfire Legionnaire stat block has a +7 Intimidation, as a CR 6 creature I assume he is using Strength instead of Charisma for Intimidation. I would include a feature so that is clearer (because if Strength is reduced the Intimidation should go down). Small things but overall great bonus!


With stats blocks too?? OMG! Amazing


sexy af

Dr. Zaladar

This is amazing 😍😍😍😍😍, I'm running out of the abyss currently and this is amazing for it , I'll be waiting for part 2


Love them coming with Statblock, would definitely want to see more of this

Joshua Frazer

Hell yeah. Just got the updated version and wanted to ask: next time, could we get a changelog of what fixes you did, like a core Errata? If not its cool, it'd just make correcting stuff on my end easier. Thanks for the great art and fun statblocks!