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The time has come! :D  For those of you that are active on our Discord, you know that We've been working on this update for months.

Our original Dungeondraft Integration back in August was a huge undertaking and took us a lot of time to put together, We were very happy with how it turned out, but it still had a lot of mistakes and oversights.

So... We've decided to just scrap the whole thing and start over completely from scratch, learning from our mistakes and  implementing all the feedback we've gathered over the past half a year. (hopefully :D ) Improving the DD Integration on all fronts with this update :)

So what's new/improved in 2.0?

Reworked All Colorable Objects
All colorable objects have been reworked with a new process which improves their contrast, depth and overall colors, especially for Plant & Trees. ( and also fixes the occasional red dots that appeared in the original colorable objects ) 

Overall Higher Quality of All Objects  

We've improved our upscaling process so the overall quality and sharpness of all our assets is improved across the board.

Old (Left) vs New (Right) objects 

Added Roofs to the Roof Tool + Roof "Addons" objects
Our Roof texture has been added to the roof tool and numerous premade towers, windows and "Roof Lining" Fixes have been added as well.

Roofs are available in 3 (Wood Linings, Shingle linings, No linings) types and 6 colors. 

Roof lining fixes are available as objects so you can make the Roofs made with the Roof Tool a bit prettier :)  There are also Roof Lining  Paths available if you need more customization.

Roofs will be updated to be recolorable as well when it's possible to do so.

Added our own Shadows, Lights, Grunge objects and other overlay effects.

We wanted to make sure that our integration is a "full package" so we've added our own shadow paths and objects, lights (these will be expanded upon as we get the proper light rotation) as well as various grunge recolorable objects that you can use at lower opacities to bring some variations to your floors, patterns and terrains. 

Organization Improvements
Both Overall Pack and Tag organization have been improved based on the community feedback.

Other small improvements and fixes
For example as mentioned in the first point, the red dots on recolorable objects are gone, as well as the visible seams on some objects (like modular bars and rugs etc.)

As mentioned before, we started from the ground up, so these new packs are NOT COMPATIBLE with the old packs, as many files were renamed and reorganized!!

The original post was updated with the new packs and you can download them there!





You guys are amazing, thank you!


Wow, nice work


Wow, that really is AWESOME :-) Just to make things clear - the new packs completely replace the old packs, e.g. FA-Tile Sets v1.2?


Wow, it's great that you finally did it. As you can see, you did a good job and the improvements are pretty impressive.

Daniel Peppler

This is fantastic! I've been using the first version of the integration with dungeondraft for a while, and I see that the packs are not compatible with the first versions. Does this mean A) if you change packs, you need to change them all, or B) Does it mean that if you made maps with the previous assets, changing to V2 of the integration will break them?


B. Old maps are not compatible with new packs. File structure and names of almost all assets were changed, so backwards compatibility is not really possible unfortunately. To load maps made with the previous version of the integration, you'll have to load the older packs.


Loving the cleaner assets and new tag organization. Much appreciated and makes it well worth taking the time to re-download the assets and update the map I had in progress when this went up.


This is really great! Thank you! One question though: in the path tool I can't seem to find the normal "Cliff Cave". I only have a "Cliff Cave Thin". The not-thin versions come only in Dirt and grass versions.


Someone else on discord had this issue, try redownloading the Nature_A_v2.0 pack, that seemed to fix it for them.


I have still no access to the missing assets , Ive uninstalled dungeondraft and assets , then rebooted PC then installed fresh and the two asset packs , the floor and terrain textures dont appear


Thank you your work is amazing. Quick question is their a trick to making caves that block the dynamic light? At the moment I'm using layers and adding a wall behind the cave wall path to get this effect.


Yep, that's the only way right now, you can make that wall invisible tho, if you go to any wall and change its color, drop alpha/opacity to 0, it'll still block light, but be invisible.

Michael Gasser

How would people rate using dungeondraft with FA additions compared to Clip Studio Paint with assets and brushes. I am slowly educating myself on Clip Studio Paint and I am just learning (and appreciating) the power of the brushes and a touch sensitive drawing pad. How does dungeondraft compare?


Clip Studio Paint is for artists. Dungeondraft is for unskilled people who wants maps that don't look like the stick man house. that's all, I think.


First of all, y’all are amazing. Can’t sing you’re praises enough. You make me look good. Your assists and DD’s abilities are a win win for anyone.


Second, I’d like to request a pattern of your roof textures and possibly some more objects. I know there’s Level work arounds, but I’d like to be able to add half roofs to upper stories. As say you where looking out the window of a smaller second story floor. Basically the ground would be the partial roof of the lower floor. If this is already available please excuse my poor detective skills. Once again thank you for everything.


This is amazing and REALLY helpful for map making :D All I'm missing now is some more variations for windows and I won't need anything in the foreseeable future!


Does this add new floors as well?


I had downloaded two of the packages and had no floors. I realised now that I needed to download more . Thank you for your reply though