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Hello everyone!  Exciting news!

We have another great artist joining our team!

We are happy to announce and welcome our new colleague / partner!
Chloe aka 'Mutt' - an Artist & Dungeon Master is officially joining our FA team as a Co-Creator.

will mainly focus on creating new Monsters and Creatures for our various Token Packs but also helping out in other areas like battlemaps, assets and more ^_^

As title suggests, these Creature Tokens are Chloe's first official FA pack, Hope you guys will enjoy them and give her a warm welcome to our community! ^_^
All tokens are in PNG format and DOUBLE our usual resolution (400dpi) just in case you need a bigger version (for example Enlarge spell) you wont lose any detail :)

This pack contains 7 new Creature Tokens, each with multiple color variants:

CR 2:

  • Grick - Medium  Monstrosity
  • Plesiosaurus - Large Beast
  • Rhinoceros - Large Beast
  • Siber-Toothed Tiger - Large Beast

CR 3:

  • Killer Whale - Huge Beast
  • Phase Spider - Large Monstrosity

CR 5:

  • Bulette - Large Monstrosity

EDIT:  Whoops, got overly excited and forgot about Underwater variants for the water creatures, now added :D Sorry ^_^

Total # of tokens in this pack: 63!

--------Download Links--------

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Stephen Czaja

These look fantastic! Great job Chloe!


Looking good thanks for the great tokens!


Awesome work!

John Waite

Great work. A minor suggestion for consistency, please keep the same folder structure. All of the previous creature packs used folders named in the format CR_2, but these were in folders in the format CR2. Love the images

Bethany Golden

Love these! Well done Chloe; they look great!


Good work Chloe! Really looking forward to their next releases! :D


Perfect timing.


man, I love the token packs. Cudos on this set. it's fantastic as ususal. Could I also make a request for some more fey Creatures? Pixies, Dryads, Satyrs, Nimphs, Redcaps, Brownies, Spriggans, etc?


Is there a reason the large tokens are facing 315° instead of 270°? All medium tokens face straight down, which is super helpful for using them in VTTs like Foundry to set their direction.


Yes, when they are diagonal they can be ~30% larger which is often needed for a proper scale with "long" creatures.


We are currently working on SRD and going more ore less by CR - working through CR 1 and 2 at the moment. You can check what's coming on our trello: https://trello.com/b/wqxzF7i6/overview


Great! Keep up the great work team FA! Welcome Chloe, nice work!


The tokens are amazing, I use function in foundry called wildcard. Using variants when pulling out creatures is amazing. Thank you for this patreon and thank you all.


Every pack you release improves my homebrew by miles! Thank you for putting out such high quality work!


any chance you would consider releasing just the head from heroes sets so I can over lay them on to the catch all heroes (done this a few times with paint lol)


We have some plans for modular token builder for the future as you can see a tiny preview of in this post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/expansion-and-43709526 For now "Explorer" tier supporters have access to Token Clip files, which usually have heads separated so it's easy to swap around :)