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A mysterious Portal appeared in the nearby forest, creating a pocket of magical Winter weather all around it, inspired by a Reign of Winter Pathfinder adventure 🙂

This was a very fun map to do! ^^ It's going to be a final map for the first chapter for my campaign :P  Still have to figure out the fight mechanics and how to shut it off :D 

Hope you guys like it!

CSP File Already available for $3 Scholar+ Tiers.

New stuffs from this map coming to Early Access Soon ($5 Adventurer+ Tiers Reward):
Fallen Trees, Rock Pillars and Ice Spikes Brush.

Patreon Download - VTT
Patreon Download - PDFs

Website Link / Download 




A suggestion for mechanics to close the portal. What if it requires drowning the portal in its opposing element. For example, the portal leads to a place of Winter, so you close it by setting the entire area on fire. Another idea is to open another portal inside the portal, like throwing a bag of holding into it. Might cause it to implode violently! Just a few suggestions. :)


Here you will find the scene import file for Foundry VTT for this map. https://1drv.ms/u/s!Anrzn4cWuK5dcd7kkC53lXbc3vg?e=8NYmeJ


--Winter Portal-- Permanent Effect Around the portal -- Frost Aura 1d6 cold damage if you start your turn there (Con Save DC 10/15 based on distance for half damage ) PC's can investigate the pillars/crystals. Arcana Check DC 12 to see the Crystals Are protected by the Cold Shield Arcana Check DC 14 to Disable Crystal's Cold Shield (1 Action) Crystals (AC 13, HP 3d6 +10 HP from Cold Shield if not Disabled) Pillars Can be Destroyed (AC 17, HP 30) When a Crystal/Pillar is destroyed, Portal becomes unstable and unleashes a Frost Nova at the start of the next round ( 2d6 to every creature not in cover , DC 18 Con save half damage) at least 4(?) need to be disabled to shut down the portal. Ice Witch is on the other side of the Portal, when it get's disturbed for the first time, she comes through with bunch of Fraughashars (+2 more come through the portal every round) When Ice witch gets below 10HP, she transfers Cold Shield from Crystal(s) to shield herself instead.


I've just started running Reign of Winter. So happy I stumbled on this before my group got to this part of the adventure :D