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Hey guys!

Time to put all those Library and other interior assets to some good use, and since it's Spooktober again we have a Haunted Library for you :)

Library is also available in a "Cleansed" version.

+ a Librarian Token as a bonus ^^

Hope you guys like it!

Patreon Download - Haunted Library 21x23 - PDFs.zip

Patreon Download - Haunted Library 21x23.zip 

Patreon Download - Haunted Library 21x23 - Free - 100dpi.zip 




This looks awesome! What program(s) do you both use when creating these battle maps?


Here you will find the scene import file for Foundry VTT for this map. https://1drv.ms/u/s!Anrzn4cWuK5dcd7kkC53lXbc3vg?e=8NYmeJ


hi new patron here, wondering how exactly the players would solve this haunting, did you have any idea to this during the creation of this map


The idea was that the book is some sort of artifact that's corrupting its surroundings, the librarian and maybe some. Other spirits can protect it so you have to get to it first and then either destroy it/cleanse it somehow


Gotcha, cool idea, I'ma run a cult that are now ghost protect it , and they players can either take it which will have negative side affects or break it dispel it what have you which will be the good guy thing to do

Nathan F

planning to use this one in my next session, completely non-halloween related. thanks!


This one is straight out of the Ghostbusters video game, isn't it? XD