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Hi guys!! Here's this week's schedule!

Sorry about Herc/Xena. I have an... anomaly? in my brain, dont know how to explain it in english, and have been taking treatment for it for a year now. My neurologist told me to take a higher dose of the meds this week but because those meds make me super sleepy for weeks or until my body adjusts (cant get out of bed sleepy. Its horrible 🥹 hopefully it wont be as bad this time cause I've been taking them for a year, I just have to take a higher dose now​) I decided to start the high dose tomorrow (monday) and finish pre recording as much as I could this past week. I was supposed to pre record a bunch of herc/xena episodes today but I havent had power since yesterday (check my twitter to see why 🥹​) and now tomorrow I start the new dose 😭​ cant keep putting it off cause I need to get another test done ASAP but I need to be taking the new treatment for at least 2 weeks before I do it so, anyway, point is I'm going to be sleepy af for the next couple of weeks, I'm gonna try my best to pre record the episodes this week. If its too much I'll do 1 episode at the time so I dont get behind and you get the episode a week you're here for 🥹 I'm really sorry, it got out of my hands with the power outage. Same goes to Pixie Dust. Please bear with me and my weird brain injury 🙃​




I think your Herc/Xena recordings are worth waiting for.