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Hi guys! I have a website! It's still in the works but I have some things done and keep adding little by little, in case you wanna check it out

You will be able to stream only an hour of video, if the reaction is over an hour and you'd like to see the rest of it you're gonna have to download the reaction. Sorry about that, I'll let you know when I fix that.




Heartstopper Reaction 7&8.wmv

Shared with Dropbox



Thanks for fixing the link! Also re: the books. While I definitely recommend buying them to support Alice (the writer) if you can, they are also available to read for free online *legally*, since Alice uploads them herself! They update every ten days on Tapas, Webtoons, and Tumblr, and they’re actually almost a full volume ahead of where the books are, because they’re published online first.

Amanda P

I only just found heartstopper about a month ago and binged both seasons in one night and then spent the whole weekend rewatching it through reactions.(and read all 4 books in one night 😅) and then just binged your reactions today! This show is just so beautiful and I'm so glad it exists, it's just so wholesome and comforting and I feel like we don't get that a lot in lgbtq shows. Over the last couple years I came to realize I'm bi (also seeing how excited you got when Nick started looking up bisexuality in the first season was just so cute to see!) and I felt like I had accepted that part of myself but watching this show just made me feel so happy and seen and literally feels like it changed my life which could sound silly but I feel like a new person after having experienced this show. And you're right, we need more bi\pan representation, so many shows in the past make the bi character this like...overly sexual person and I hate that. It especially makes me happy that it's a bi male character!! So many parts of the show I see myself in and especially with Charlie at the end of the finale it hurts me so much because I was horribly bullied in school, was told nasty things to my face, things that no person should ever have to hear or deal with. Idk how people can be so disgusting to others. I still carry that with me even after 15+ years so I totally feel charlie when he said he started to believe what people were telling him and how much it made him hate himself, I just want to hug him so bad. (Trigger warning) I also self harmed and it always hurts seeing a character talk about it. But I'm glad the show brings up these subjects, it's so important. Anyways I'm sorry I rambled on but I really just wanted to say I loved watching this again with you!