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Christopher simeon

Angel cookie comment was a reference to the last time he talked to buffy in the finale. She said she was a cookie that was still becoming the women she wants to be so she is not done baking and that when she is then it's possible for them to maybe be together. Angel is mad because he was waiting for her to become the cookie but the immortal gets to be with her while she is cookie dough


I'm not a fan of this episode, they got way too loose and sloppy with the verse's lore and general show continuity, plus it's the epitome of Angel and Spike bringing out the worst in each other. I think they could have made an episode just as funny while keeping the writing tight and consistent. And there are a ton of little annoyances too, like Angel describing Buffy as "blonde, blue eyes"....my dude, she's the love of your life supposedly, and you don't know what color her eyes are?? Cause they are most certainly not blue 👀 Angel and Buffy also stunted each other when they were together. So the couples that should not be together for me are Buffy and Angel, and Spike and Angel. Last, I find Angel to be a bully and a jerk A LOT of the time on his show....too much to ignore. Like when he slapped Loren's hat off last ep. Lots of things like that. I just don't like the guy 🤷🏼‍♀️

Christopher simeon

Of course angel is a jerk. With no soul he is a evil sadistic vampire. The soul helps guide him. It doesn't make him an "angel" lol We should be glad he is as good as he is.