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Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

West Side Story- Thank you so, so much for your reaction for this beautiful movie, dear friend. I love West Side Story and I'm happy you really enjoyed it too. I love how this musical is a modern day retelling of Romeo and Juliet in a musical classic. As it is meant to be. The only difference in West Side Story, is that Tony is the only one of these lovers who dies, whereas Juliet dies in Shakespeare's play along with Romeo. Also... the music and the dancing is really what makes this movie what it is. The music and dance among the story is masterful and unique. My favorite songs... I love America sung by Anita, Bernardo, and the Sharks. I just love the dance performed throughout this song and the banter between the men and women. I also really love the Rumble Song sung by the entire cast... the Jets, the Sharks, Anita, Tony, and Maria, in a medley of a number of the songs throughout this beautiful film. And I also really love Tonight sung by Tony and Maria. It's just so beautiful, romantic, and emotional, as it shows how deeply these two are in love in spite of them just having met. Fun fact... The creators of this movie wanted more for Maria's singing voice, than what Natalie Wood could do. So, they found actress and singer, Marni Nixon to sing for Maria. Marni Nixon also is the actress chosen to sing for Audrey Hepburn in My Fair Lady as well, as well as for a few more characters in other musicals. She also sings for Deborah Kerr in the The King and I. It's unfortunate for Natalie that she just couldn't hit the notes, but I love, love, love Maria's singing voice in the movie. It's absolutely gorgeous. I love Richard Beymer as Tony, Natalie Wood as Maria, and I absolutely love Rita Moreno as Anita. I love the entire cast, but these three actors and their characters stand out to me above the rest. Both Rita Moreno for her role as Anita and George Chakiris for his role as Bernardo, were nominated for and won an Oscar for their roles throughout this movie. And these awards are rightly deserved. Both Anita and Bernardo are phenomenal! As for the overall storyline... I love Tony's and Maria's love story and while this movie ends in tragedy just like Romeo and Juliet, it's powerful. Sadly, the hate between these two rivals spreads so far until this love between Tony and Maria is destroyed, causing Maria to feel true hate for the first time in her life when Tony dies in her arms thanks to Chino killing him. A bullet wasn't all that kills him, but hatred and racism that sadly still exists in the world today. Worse than ever before. However, in spite of their differences and hatred of one another, such tragedy actually brings the Americans and Puerto Ricans together in the very end, however brief it is for when they both step in to help carry Tony's body away out of respect upon feeling ashamed of all they've done and for causing two innocent people to suffer so greatly. As for Tony killing Bernardo in retaliation after he killed Riff... it's really tragic, because Tony killed Maria's brother in anger. But then... Riff was like a brother to him, and the shock of seeing Riff die overpowered all his senses. It's very sad. It is wrong, and yet I can also understand why Tony retaliated. Had everything not happened so fast, and if Bernardo survived the rumble after he killed Riff, Tony never would have killed Bernardo out of revenge like the Jets would have done. Tony is a good man and not a killer. Not in his heart. Bernardo's death came in the heat of the moment upon losing the person closest to him his whole life. So while most people might not be so forgiving of him, I appreciate that Maria could find it in her heart to forgive him, and that even Anita was able to put her own pain aside to be willing to help Maria and Tony so they could be together. Sadly, the Jets' cruelty towards Anita simply because she is Puerto Rican and Bernardo's girlfriend, changes everything. And their act on their hatred of her and her people cause them to act despicably and cruelly, when they begin their attempt to rape Anita, who then in turn tells the lie that brings Tony to his death. I don't really blame her for what she does when she tells the Jets that Chino had killed Maria. Yes... it's wrong, but the Jets were attempting to gang rape her before Doc returned and stopped them. I cannot blame her for lying in order to hurt them. It's so tragic. And I feel so badly for Anita. And the Jets' actions make me hate the Jets by the end of this movie. Both the Jets and the Sharks are in the wrong, because their hatred for the opposite sides shows the tragedy that hatred can cause. Overall... I absolutely love this musical. I love the music, the dancing, the cast and their characters, and I love the overall story told and its themes. Thank you so very much again for this amazing reaction to such a beautiful movie, Sora! :) Sincerely, Heidi


The dance and songs were absolutely fantastic. I think my favorite son is Tonight. I'm gonna have to listen to the sountrack again on repeat to see if I change my mind haha Oh, so they did like in Singin' in the Rain! with the singer behind the scenes and stuff. I guess that was a thing they did back then lol I thought Audrey sung her own songs! :o Even if Romeo and Juliet inspired this musical, I believe this is a much better love story haha But Bernardo didnt mean to kill Riff either, everything just got very out of hand and pride and racism played its part :( Absolutely, I mean I'm sad that that lie got Tony killed but the Jets were going to rape her. She put her feelings aside for Tony and Maria and these bitches acted the way they did, on top of everything she was grieving. I loved this movie so much! Thank you for requesting it <3<3<3