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Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Off the Record- Thank you so much for another great reaction, Sora! I most certainly commend this show's writers and creators for creating such a unique kind of episode. Because not only does it span through a whole year of events and more, that begins just weeks after Lucifer started working with Chloe as was shown throughout season one, but this episode is also shown completely through the eyes of an outside character. It's completely shown through Reese Getty's perspective, which is another clue that what we're seeing is his own Hell loop as well. It's really quite brilliant and this episode is very close to being one of my favorites within this season, in spite of Reese being so annoying. We also learn fairly early on that Reese has a connection to Linda, as we learn that he is her ex husband and that they've been separated for quite some time, while Linda has struggled to convince him to sign the divorce papers. Two years, I believe Linda tells him. And I really enjoy seeing an entire episode through a different perspective. This episode is just very cleverly written. Now... the timeline throughout this episode, at least at first... is very wonky and a little tough to follow. Which also makes this episode all the more fascinating. However, by the end, I think we as the viewers all come to understand the idea from when these events begin, to when they end. We know from seeing a lot of the information Reese gathers and puts up on his whiteboard in his office, from learning that Lucifer and Linda are still sleeping together, and to conversations between Lucifer, Chloe, and Reese too... that they begin within season one. We see he's put up information about Amenadiel back when he had been posing as Dr. Canaan to trick Linda into helping him to get Lucifer back to Hell, as well as information about Malcolm Graham too. Also... Linda is sleeping with Lucifer for a time too, and as we know... she broke their relationship off back in season one's eighth episode that is titled... Et Tu, Doctor?, which is another give away that this episode first shows us early events played out throughout season one too. And then as the episode continues on, we see Reese putting together more information, especially upon him seeing Lucifer's Devil face, and to Linda revealing to him that she knows Lucifer is really the Devil once Reese barges into her office to try to kill him, seeing Charlotte's name and information about her being Lucifer's stepmother, information about Lucifer's Vegas wedding to Candy, then seeing Ella come into the episode, and more... that the events continue into season two and eventually season three as well, once the timeline finally catches up to the present day when Reese is killed by the man he had hired to try to kill Lucifer for him. Once we come to understand the timeline by the end of this episode, this episode definitely comes to be less confusing. I do absolutely love that not only are we seeing this episode just through Reese's perspective while everything is happening like all the rest of the episodes, but that we are actually seeing these events throughout this episode through his eyes because at the end of this episode, it is revealed to us that we're seeing these events play out within Reese's very own Hell loop he becomes trapped in upon his death, caused by the guilt he now feels because of his sins he had committed while alive. A loop that he keeps reliving over and over, as all damned souls condemned to Hell suffer from. Brilliant! As for Reese Getty... he's an okay character. I definitely feel bad for him a little bit at first, especially upon him learning that Lucifer is really the Devil, since there's no possible way for him to really understand Lucifer isn't evil and that he's a good man, except upon being told so from people who don't know the truth about him. And even when he's told multiple times from Linda that Lucifer is a good man and her friend, Reese still can't believe it because he believes that Lucifer has beguiled and bewitched her through his power. Plus... I can understand him being angry with Lucifer for sleeping with the woman he still considers as his wife, whom he's struggling to let go of and won't accept that she wants a divorce and has been wanting a divorce for the two years in which they've been separated. Divorce is difficult. However, of course Linda, nor Lucifer have done anything to wrong Reese, given that Reese and Linda were separated when she was sleeping with Lucifer, and their marriage had been over for some time at this point. Reese just refused to accept it. It's like Linda says... he had always put his work and career first over their marriage when they were still together. So, his struggle and his refusal to let go of her is on him. As are all of his actions and problems that occur upon him becoming obsessed with trying to kill Lucifer or with making him pay, and to try to prove to Linda that Lucifer is the Devil and all evil. Now... I love the brief moment where we see how surprised and touched Lucifer is upon hearing Linda defend him to Reese, as she not only says he's a good man, but that she also considers him a friend. Something that Lucifer still very much has a hard time really believing... that people really and truly do consider him to be a friend and a good man. Lucifer has always struggled with truly believing that anyone might consider him a true friend, so hearing Linda call him so, and not just her patient, most certainly means a lot to him. And you can really see as such from the look in his eyes when Linda defends him. I really love this. Again... a very subtle moment, but it's one of my favorite moments within this episode. And I really love Lucifer's and Linda's friendship. It's horrible that Reese comes to be so obsessed with trying to kill Lucifer, that he eventually seeks out and finds the serial killer whom Chloe, Lucifer, and Dan have been looking for, for a long time, so he can hire him to try to kill Lucifer for him upon discovering Chloe makes him vulnerable. And what's worse... Reese also hurts Linda in her office later on as well in an attempt to make her see sense. And this is when any sympathy I might have had for Reese really wears thin. When he hurts Linda and the innocent woman flirting with Lucifer is killed upon drinking the killer's poison instead after the killer comes to see that Lucifer isn't the real fraud, which I'll talk about in a moment... I feel really bad for Lucifer when the woman is killed, because you can see he takes her death very personally, especially upon her being killed in his club. In his own home. But also... upon later discovering all of the things Reese has done in order to hurt him, I can only imagine Lucifer must have felt even more badly about this woman's death and guilty upon believing her death to be his fault, even though Lucifer hasn't done anything wrong at all. He was sleeping with Linda for the brief time that they did throughout the first eight episodes of season one, when Linda was already separated from Reese for two years. Plus... she has most likely never mentioned she was or had ever been married. I doubt many people knew anything about her having previously been married until Reese came back into her life. I love the scene when Reese barges into Linda's office while Lucifer is in session with her, then suddenly shoots him to prove he really is the Devil only to find out that Linda already knows. I can't really feel bad for Reese in this moment because he tries to kill Lucifer. After all, of course Linda never told him that the Devil really exists and that Lucifer is the Devil, because not only is Lucifer her patient, but because she's been protecting him and it's not like Reese would have ever believed her until he saw so for himself. Next... I love how Reese comes to work out that Chloe makes Lucifer vulnerable upon Lucifer letting it slip at Linda's office when he states that Reese was lucky the detective wasn't there when he had shot him, otherwise he'd being cleaning up his blood. I like seeing how Reese works so much out in his mind. Had he not been so obsessed, even to the point of dangerous, then Reese could have been a good source for the LAPD in other cases. And then... there is a moment within this episode that Chloe defends Lucifer to Reese when he asks her again while they're at LUX what she thinks Lucifer gets out of their partnership and why she thinks Lucifer enjoys working with the LAPD, to which Chloe answers him that she believes someone a long time ago had wronged and hurt Lucifer very deeply, so now Lucifer works with her and the LAPD to help people and protect others from being wronged like he had been. While Chloe can't fathom the full truth behind why Lucifer is who he is, Chloe is absolutely right that Lucifer is a consultant and helps her to protect the innocent and bring punishment to the guilty... because he has absolutely been wronged by his entire family and all the world upon getting cast out of Heaven and into Hell, as well as upon becoming vilified because most humans outside of those Lucifer cares about most in his life, only see him as the Devil or as a club owner who is either extremely eccentric, or just plain crazy. And it's so sad. I absolutely believe Lucifer does choose to work with Chloe and LAPD because subconsciously, he does wish to help others who have also been wronged and help makes things right for them, since he can't do so for himself. Thankfully, Chloe knows that Lucifer is fighting to be seen as someone other than evil like everyone claims him to be, and Lucifer doesn't stop trying to make himself a better man in spite of all of his pain. However, Reese then coldly laughs upon seeing the serial killer successfully poison Lucifer's drink, yet Chloe takes his laugh to mean that he's mocking Lucifer upon her telling him why she feels he's her partner. And I just love how Chloe defends Lucifer and puts Reese in his place. She truly cares about Lucifer very deeply, even though the feelings between Chloe and Lucifer that make everyone love Deckerstar and want to see them together are currently very little in comparison to what they were throughout all of season two. I absolutely love it!!! :) And lastly... I really like the twist with the serial killer coming to see that Lucifer isn't the fraud, and how he then comes after Reese to kill him for being the real fraud instead. While I certainly don't condone the killer's actions, I don't feel bad about Reese getting killed by the end even after everything he's done to try to destroy Lucifer. However, I feel more badly for Linda because I suspect that she must feel badly for how things ended between them. Thankfully... Chloe is there to arrest the serial killer. Just not in time for her and Lucifer to save Reese. Oh... and in case you hadn't noticed, blue is a very prominent color tinted throughout this episode. Which is really brilliant, because the blue tint is another way of foreshadowing the end revelation that Reese Getty is in Hell and trapped inside his own Hell loop, because Hell is very blue in color, as we see in the ending of this episode, and in the past episodes where we've seen Hell in before too. The blue within Hell helps to illuminate the eeriness and darkness that is Hell. The gloom and despair that each resident of Hell suffers from, just as Reese is now suffering from himself. And I think it is a great little detail that not too viewers many pick up on. Overall... this is a pretty great episode. And I really enjoyed your reaction for it. I especially loved your reaction when it is revealed that Reese is Linda's ex husband, and that Reese has been in Hell, trapped in his own Hell loop throughout this entire episode. Brilliant! Thank you both again, Sora!! Until next time, dear friend... Sincerely, Heidi


I hadnt noticed! :o thanks for telling me. You know I'm terrible with that kind of details xDU