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Hi guys! I have a website! It's still in the works but I have some things done and keep adding little by little, in case you wanna check it out

You will be able to stream only an hour of video, if the reaction is over an hour and you'd like to see the rest of it you're gonna have to download the reaction. Sorry about that, I'll let you know when I fix that.





Christopher simeon

Now this episode is very important for one reason. It is showing what real love is NOT. Real Love is not obsession. It is not killing or doing someone a favor. It is not trying to change someone into who you want them to be. Soulless spike showed all these things with buffy,dru and his old crush when he was human so did he ever really show real love previously?


To say that is the sole benefit of this episode I feel is limiting, it's a great fun episode in the middle of the season and provides some strong character moments in other ways. Thanks for reacting to this one Sora. :) I have to disagree with your comment Christopher, from my observation Spike showed real love previously in other ways and I feel it would be simplifying too much in my understanding to say that he did not at all. At times I also feel the fandom stands a little too staunchly with the soul concept and perceived rules around it as they seemed to be played with quite fast and loose across both Buffy and Angel.


Este episodio puede tener un montón de interpretaciones válidas (como todos los demás) y para mí no tiene nada que ver con lo que dijeron arriba. Hace poco leí una que me quedó resonando bastante, y es de una persona que suele hacer análisis super interesantes en su tumblr "impalementation" (lleno de spoilers obviamente así que no entres jaja). Acá te la dejo: "Most unexpected part of working on these next two posts for the romanticism series is that I’m actually coming around to finding “Him” pretty interesting. On the surface it seems like fluff that’s trying to copy the early seasons. But in context it’s actually starting to feel much more like something that’s trying to revisit and reframe the ideas from the early seasons that it resembles. For example, Buffy pursuing RJ is massively uncomfortable. And Dawn’s insistence that her love for RJ is real is hard to watch for how embarrassing it is. But if you look at it in the context of reframing the early seasons, it actually reads as a commentary on the Buffy/Angel relationship. A teenager’s ideas about love suddenly seem pathetic, while an older person pursuing a teenager suddenly seems disturbing. In turn, portraying this dynamic this way instead of romantically is a way of showing that Buffy is truly at a point of maturity where she isn’t interested in teenage ideas of love anymore. These things no longer play in a heightened, tragic way, they now play as farce."