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Christopher simeon

Lol. Many people were upset about the buffy never finding out that xander lied about willow saying kick his ass so it was nice to see it brought up again. Ultimately her knowing was meaningless back then as it was never that important and the writers know that which is why they also point out it all worked out with Angel in the end. But it is great to see they did not forget that.


Anya didn't actually give up being a Vengeance Demon for Xander. In "The Wish" Giles destroys the pendant on her necklace which revokes her powers and makes her human again. She tries to get her necklace back and become a Vengeance Demon again in "Dopplegangland" but fails. It wasn't until she was human for a while (and needed a date for the prom) that she started to like Xander.