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Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Trip to Stabby Town- Thank you so much for another fabulous reaction for a phenomenal episode, Sora!! I really love this episode a lot, and all of the storylines within it. And I love that this episode continues on with Lucifer's storyline showing the continued consequences from Lucifer's refusal to have his mother returned to Hell and the fallout from Uriel's death. Only this time... the trouble comes from Lucifer's own mother because she selfishly sets Azrael's blade loose among humanity. And boy does she ever have an agenda. Yikes!! First... I really enjoy the storyline between Lucifer and Linda, now that she's finally accepted him back as her patient again upon feeling better about who he and Maze really are in spite of them being the Devil and his demon. However, while she's not scared of them any longer, she's still struggling with accepting what's real about the Devil and Hell, and all the lies told about who the Devil is now that she knows the Devil is really a good man struggling to deal with issues that are slowly tearing him apart... not a supernatural being who is all evil and who wants death and destruction like the world believes of the Devil. And she's very funny with how she asks him all her questions, while completely ignoring his current dilemma involving his confusion towards what Chloe meant by her tears and her embrace from the end of the last episode. I love all of Linda's questions about who's in Hell, and seeing how awkward the sessions are for Lucifer. But more so... I love how kind and genuine Lucifer becomes when he sincerely expresses his worry that he had hurt her so much that they would never see one another again. And I love how Lucifer apologizes to her for frightening her and then thanks her for being there to continue helping him. I really love their friendship, and I especially love that Lucifer is now able to speak with Linda openly and freely about everything that's deeply troubling him, without what she believed to be his crazy metaphors standing in the way of her truly helping him. Next... I really love the major storyline with Lucifer seeking out Azrael's blade after Chloe and Dan catch a case involving a brutal murder when a woman is stabbed over and over, then discovering that Charlotte has foolishly made maps for her wealthiest clients that lead them to where Lucifer buried Uriel and the blade out in the middle of nowhere. I love how Azrael's blade affects humans as it heightens their anger and hatred towards individuals that cause them to go on a killing spree. And I love Lucifer's drive to find it before more humans get killed. You can tell that Lucifer is worried about everyone, and especially Chloe, Dan, and Ella, and he's absolutely livid with his mother for unleashing the blade out into the world, no matter what her intentions for doing so really are. As for her intentions... While Charlotte recognizes that her actions are wrong even though she couldn't care less that they are, and she claims that she's done as she's done in hope of gaining God's attention so that He will join her and her sons in their mourning over Uriel's death, I don't believe it for a second. I do sense she loves her sons. I always have. I believe her when she tells them that she loves them and that she wants to be reunited with her whole family in Heaven. However, she's the kind of mother who does things more for her own sake than for anyone else's, and that includes using her own sons to get what she wants. And this is so bad. Which brings me to my favorite scene within this episode... I love the ending between Lucifer, Charlotte, and Amenadiel once they come together again inside Lucifer's penthouse and discuss her actions. I love how Lucifer senses there's more to his mother's plan to unleash the blade and suspects that she wants something more than just God's sympathy. And unfortunately, Amenadiel has come to side with their mother, also wanting to return with their mother to Heaven as he exclaims that none of them should be on Earth among the humans any longer. And of course Lucifer becomes angry, because even if they can find a way back into Heaven, it's not what he wants. I love when Lucifer angrily declares that Hell was never his home and that Heaven was Hell for him. You can see the pain in his eyes because he knows that they still don't understand why he's so adamant in staying here on Earth, since Earth has become his real home because it's the only place where he truly feels wanted and respected. And because he deeply cares about Chloe, as well as Ella and Dan too. It's so sad. Then, suddenly... upon getting so angry, Charlotte looks down just as the blade still in Lucifer's hand mysteriously ignites on fire, and she smiles as if she knew getting her son angry enough would make this happen. And if this isn't bad enough, Charlotte then asks Amenadiel to leave with her, then states that a new opportunity has finally presented itself, as she and Amenadiel then look back at Lucifer once more after they enter the elevator, as her smug smile remains on her face. She's definitely up to no good, and unfortunately, Lucifer appears to be the key to Charlotte getting what she wants. She definitely plans to try to make his life here on Earth Hell. Agh!!! Now... I also really love it when Lucifer enlists Ella to help him solve who dug up Uriel's grave, which leads to him making a deal with her like he's made with so many people. And in exchange for her help, I love how Ella asks him to come with her to church, so he can try to find what she senses he's been looking for. I love Ella, because she's so genuine in wanting to help all of those she cares about, including Lucifer. And I love that she still believes he's only just a method actor too. As well as a person who is longing to find something of a more spiritual nature in his life. She doesn't understand how wrong she is about him searching for God, but Lucifer is searching for something, that I believe to be more like his own true acceptance for the good man he truly is, and that he hopes to find true friends who will also one day accept him for all that he is... Devil and all. Also... I love that upon witnessing all of Lucifer's and Ella's interactions from a distance without understanding what's happening between them, Chloe becomes jealous because she thinks Lucifer is hooking up with Ella. I love that she's jealous, because it shows that she's really starting to care for Lucifer more than just as her partner and friend. And we already know just how much Lucifer already has come to care about Chloe, which makes this all the more wonderful. I also love that there's a moment where Lucifer recognizes her jealousy and smiles upon appreciating for a moment that she is jealous of what she believes has developed between him and Ella, because Lucifer knows in this moment that Chloe does care about him in a way that's deeper than he thought perhaps wasn't possible before. And yet, lucifer doesn't gloat about her being jealous any more than just stating so before moving on. It's great! :) Oh... and I love Chloe's banter with Dan at the station when she suddenly becomes all awkward the second Lucifer comes up behind her and hears her talking about him, and how Chloe swiftly pulls Dan into inviting Lucifer over for a poker night in an effort to hide her jealousy she denies she feels over Lucifer appearing to be involved with Ella. And I love their whispering banter while Lucifer is busy trying to piece together who might have the blade. Absolutely adorable! Now... I absolutely love the scene between Lucifer and Dan once Dan picks up Azrael's blade and falls under its thrall. If you watch closely around Lucifer and Chloe when the police all arrive on the crime scene to find Lucifer already there talking with the latest victim of the blade, you see Dan step past Lucifer and kneel down over the guy's body and pull out the blade, then a short time later... you see that the blade's gone and then Lucifer soon finds Dan holding it out by the pool. I love seeing Dan lose his temper at Lucifer as he begins to blame him for all the pain in his life... losing Chloe, being seen by everyone as a crooked cop and him having been demoted, and angry with him for stealing his puddings at work, which is pretty hilarious. But I love that Lucifer is able to talk Dan down while Dan is fighting to kill him with the blade, until Dan is then able to fight against the blade's thrall once Lucifer's words sink through as he comes to understand that his marriage was already over before Lucifer ever came into their lives, and that he had already made mistakes and became crooked beforehand too. And of course... Lucifer stealing his pudding is no reason to kill him. I just love that their friendship is continuing to be explored. I really appreciate this. And I love that Lucifer recognizes Dan's strength upon seeing him resist the blade's thrall. Although... I sense his strength is more because Dan at last is able to recognize that the two major circumstances of which he used to blame Lucifer for... losing Chloe and being demoted for him being a corrupt cop, are really his own fault, given that these problems began before Lucifer even came into their lives. And I really love this realization and growth for Dan. For Dan, it was certainly easier for him to blame his problems on Lucifer because Lucifer has been a thorn in his side, but since they've developed a deeper connection, and the beginning of a friendship by the end of the previous episode... My Little Monkey, I love that Dan's begun to recognize that Lucifer isn't as bad and to blame for as much as he believed him to be so long as he was blinded by his rage and hatred towards Lucifer. It's brilliant! Dan is a good man, who has sadly made some pretty serious mistakes. But he had good reasons and intentions for doing some of the things he did, especially when he tried to kill Malcolm in order to protect Chloe. And yes... Dan is definitely a character who has grown a lot since season one which makes me love his character that much more. In regards to Dan not remembering this moment... I think that it would have been great if he did remember this moment and his struggle against Lucifer. However, while he might not remember the event, you can see in his eyes the moment their fight is over once Lucifer is able to take the blade out of his hands that Dan feels a great sense of relief afterwards. Like a major weight has been lifted from his shoulders. Weight that has been keeping him down for quite some time. I get the sense that Dan remembers the feelings and emotions he went through while talking through his guilt with Lucifer, just not the circumstances of how he came to feel relieved of said guilt. And I also sense that Dan recognizes that Lucifer has helped him, which will help to strengthen the growing friendship between them. And I really love and appreciate this about this overall moment between Lucifer and Dan. I hope all of this makes sense. Another of my favorite scenes is just before this fight between Lucifer and Dan, when Lucifer arrives at the house where the latest victim of the blade lives and finds her standing over the body of the man, who years earlier had raped her. I absolutely love, love, love how Lucifer quickly understands why she killed him, and then immediately steps forward to defend her when Chloe and Dan arrive to arrest her, telling Chloe that she only killed the guy because he attacked her and that justice has been served. Justice has absolutely been served. I love how this moment shows that Lucifer really does care about all humans and not just those closest to him. He definitely feels that Earth is his home. Also... I feel so badly for this woman, who has suppressed her fear of this man and her pain from having been raped by him all those years ago, only for it all to be brought back up again because of Azrael's blade. And it's clear that Lucifer feels guilty for forcing it upon her all over again. Which is why the moment he defends her is so good. And I love Lucifer all the more for it. Lucifer absolutely feels the guilt from all of these humans' deaths, even though their deaths are his mother's fault upon her setting it loose into the world by drawing a map right to it and giving the maps to her clients in the hope of unleashing the blade on them. And yet... Lucifer has grown to care for all of humanity, and not just Chloe, Ella, Linda, and Dan either. But everyone. It's as he's said... Earth has become his home because it is the first place where he's found a real home. A place where he is wanted and respected. So for humans to be getting killed no matter who they are, by a celestial blade he used recently to kill his very own brother and that is enticing them to kill for even the slightest of offences, of course it hurts Lucifer very deeply and he blames himself. Because were it not for him even living on Earth, these people never would have died. I feel so badly for Lucifer, and angry at Charlotte, as well as Amenadiel and Maze too for them all being so blind to understand why it is he cares so much about staying here on Earth among the people he cares about. Oh... and I really love the hilarious nod to the Spice Girls when Lucifer quotes one of their most famous songs... Wannabe My Lover, during his and Chloe's interrogation of Jensen Glory. So funny! :) I absolutely love how much this season has focused on Lucifer struggling with the consequences of not only his own actions, but also from simply trying to find a place where he feels he belongs. A place he can call home, where he feels wanted and respected, as is revealed at the ending of this episode. It's really beautiful seeing this inner struggle within him come out. And very sad too. And I love that Lucifer recognizes Chloe's jealousy and that he is happy to see that she has come to care about him in this way. I love their development of their relationship ever since their really beautiful and tender moment from the ending of My Little Monkey... after their beautiful hug. And Chloe really does appear to recognize that there's more to Lucifer than his wild, crazy antics too. I absolutely love it!!! :) And lastly... Ella is just so adorable. I absolutely love her character. And I love her friendship with everyone. Especially with Lucifer. Thank you very much once again for your reaction to this fantastic episode! Another fabulous episode, that becomes more and more another of my favorite episodes every time I watch it! I really appreciate your reactions like always, and I can't wait for many more to come!! Until then, my dear friend... :) Sincerely, Heidi