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Hi guys!! New pilot reaction! I will... soon... cant promise anything but soon will be making a poll to pick which show to continue xD 



His Dark Materials PILOT Reaction Lyra's Jordan.mkv


Barbara Ann Baker

No Dune isn't dark materials, much older book. Actually it may be one of the first sci-fi books that got big. reading the book will make it so you can watch children of Dune and actually understand what's going on, which has James McAvoy in it as well.


I would argue that Frankenstein was the first science fiction book to get big.


The movie they made based on this is The Golden Compass which cane out in 2007 and is the first book in the trilogy. Dr. Carne is played by Clarke Peters. Only thing you might recognize him from are a couple of roles in both True Detective and Jessica Jones. Jordan College operates under the eye of the Magisterium, hence the need to be religious in things like singing the Amen. Daemons of children can change form. Pan, Lyra's daemon likes to go between a white ermine and a brown pine marten which are very similar looking creatures. If you pay close attention, you notice that Pan also changes into a bird and a moth in the episode. Realize that Roger is just a kid who works at Jordan College as a servant. Not very high up in level of importance and Lyra is really his only friend.