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Hiii!! Here's my reaction to episode 6, hope you enjoy!!



Nikita Reaction S02E06 Walnut Lane.mp4


Lina Krouford

I hate you for putting Michael/Nikita/Birkoff threesome in my head lol. I think pregnancy news was the first thing that comes to Michael mind because he wants kids... I mean, he was so happy for a second. But maybe you're right and they are just not careful. "If anything... He should blame himself BECAUSE HE PUT THE BABY THERE". The way I screamed lol. But I agree with you. I remember how in Lost Ben's shitty father blamed him for death of his wife. So ridiculous. It's a BABY. And yeah. Michael IS a best boyfriend ever :) Roan is a damn Terminator, heh.


You know you like the idea of that threesome! YOU KNOW IT! x'D I mean if the first thing that pops in mind is pregnancy its becuse they're not being careful. I know some birth control things dont work sometimes but still if you're using them being pregnant its not the first thing you think xD I think. Although at some far behind point in my life when I had a serious long-term-boyfriend I was very... crazy about not getting pregnant and I was on the pill and using condoms and if my period was late I would freak out thinking I was pregnant x'D but I think that was just young-and-afraid Sora, I believe I'm more calm now(?) xD I think blaming the baby/kid if the mom dies in childbirth its ridiculous. THEY get pregnant and its the baby's fault they didnt have better care or the mom's hips werent wide enough or I dont even know? xD its unfair! Michael: BEST BOYFRIEND EVER award! Birkoff: Best side boyfriend/adopted kid ever award because he deserves to be recognized too x'D