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Hi guys!

Here's my reaction to episode 21 hope you enjoy!



Star Trek Reaction S01E21 Court Martial.mp4


Barbara Ann Baker

"Could the computer be wrong?" Every single sci fi does this like a system without flaws or virus is possible and I can't not laugh until I cry 😂😅. Same time it's a solid prediction of tampering and video forgery and perhaps they evolved past most hackers? I just can't picture that in a society that would sink a captain for the "GG" or greater good as Adrian Monk would say. Man I missed this show. Right??? You don't instantly love or hate someone for feeling a certain way about you unless you're close enough to have. Unless she's trying to prove sociopath or something it's a bad argument for motive. Passed over makes sense as a motive though. Otherwise it would have to be a built up feud between co-workers, and there would definitely be evidence. Lol "We're dying sir." 


So wait something I didnt fully understand: the video was edited or did he really pushed the buttom when the alarm was in yellow? x_X


The video was edited. When Finney went into the computer banks to change the video, he basically reverted the program banks. Think uninstalling a software update on your phone or computer. Everything you've altered to the software since you installed the version you're now uninstalling gets lost. That's why Spock was playing chess, to show that somehow had altered the data files and deleted his chess programs.