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You will be able to stream only an hour of video, if the reaction is over an hour and you'd like to see the rest of it you're gonna have to download the reaction. Sorry about that, I'll let you know when I fix that.


Hi guys! HEre's my full reaction to episode 19 hope you enjoy!



Buffy! The Vampire Slayer FULL Reaction S02E19.mp4



While every place is different, sixty years for murder involving a gun is actually a lot. In Florida, the minimum you can get is 25 years believe it or not. I also laughed during most of the Buffy/Angelus interactions. I'm surprised you weren't more questioning with most of the pop culture references that appeared in this episode though.

Barbara Ann Baker

Love this episode. Right from the start it grabs you with that haunting music. The emotional boiling point so plain right from the moment you hear Buffy. I still say "Like a steel trap." Often. The teen melodrama right on top of her, like you said, "been there, done that, minus the gun." Giles mentioning my dear Nessy, yes I believe. It is a dinosaur and it stays hidden because it pops in and out through the ocean. Don't take this from me, I'm Scottish by blood lol. Then there's the tragic, yet admittedly weird situation offering a small comfort, hope, even catharsis for anyone who's been in a relationship with someone older and in way over their head and in a way that seemed to really allow some processing by Buffy. We tend to blame ourselves in youth when self esteem at home is never built and frankly, no she wasn't responsible for someone older taking her down a path she wasn't really ready for, neither was James. We forget the frontal lobe doesn't even settle until the mid twenties, least in my generation. You had to grow up younger once upon a time and there was an undeniable maturity there and these days I'm starting to think we can prove 30 with just a few new tests. Okay had my fun. Anyway everything about this one is beautiful to me. "To forgive is an act of compassion." I've found over the years, the compassion isn't just for who did wrong. It's honestly healing to forgive, even to people who may not deserve it. It doesn't take caution, nor distance from them, just anger and pain. Like saying to yourself they no longer have power over you with what they did. Also I had a very similar "I'm sorry, what?" Face to Snider's conspiracy speech. And don't worry, humor is a processing tool, not everyone gets it but you've seen how my family handles death, on the star trek ep 20 thread so... great reaction. I could really tell it got to you too.


Forgiveness is hard though. There are some people I frgave in m y life but I cant seem to make peace with the people who voted for this covernment 22 years ago. I resent them so much... and that resentment gives me strenght to wake up every day sometimes x'D but I agree is bad. Still forgive doesnt mean act like nothing happened. one of my mom's friends had a terrible marriage. They would physically fight and all. my mom would advise her to walk away for the sake of the daugher... one day the husband got enough and hired some thugs to kill her and everyone in their way (they got them right before attacking, my brother was in the car that day. She was always either with my mom or friends giving her a ride, always with my brother because she was his teacher (she was my teacher too many years before). I dont know what the fuck happened but they were saved by a mystical force x'D then he didnt even go to jail and like a year later they were back together... he even bought an apartment in the building next to where my old teacher and her daughter are living now. *They are still together*. My mom of course decided to keep her distance just in case but she was very pissed. "Yeah, forgive him but dont get back together with him" x'D and I agree. Forgiveness doesnt mean acting like nothing happened and going back to normal x_x