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Hi guys! I have a website! It's still in the works but I have some things done and keep adding little by little, in case you wanna check it out

You will be able to stream only an hour of video, if the reaction is over an hour and you'd like to see the rest of it you're gonna have to download the reaction. Sorry about that, I'll let you know when I fix that.


Hi guys!

Here's my full reaction to episode 17,, hope you enjoy!



Buffy! The Vampire Slayer FULL Reaction S02E17.mp4


Brandon Scott

I know it's not the most important thing in the episode by far but can I get any support on the fact that Jenny's "people" need to get over themselves just a little? She said that her people were the "people he hurt the worst"........ Eeeeeehh, I don't know about that. Angelus killed one girl from their tribe (that's 1, only). And they say she was their "most beloved daughter," whatever that means, but I'm pretty sure I can think of several instances when Angelus had done worse.. Without spoilers I would turn your attention toward Drucila for an example. Anyway, great video. I was really pumped to see you get to this point in the season. This is when it really starts ramping up and it's all thrills and chills from here on out....pretty much. Awesome job.

Barbara Ann Baker

Fully agreed. He didn't just kill her, he killed her whole family and her friends along with his own. Ugly death to everyone with a song in his heart. Plus he said that girl was dumb as a post.

Barbara Ann Baker

Angelous is my all-time favorite narration. And that's saying something when you consider my adoration for Galadriel in LOTR. There's something so deep, haunting and human about it that I legit cry when he says "the joy of love, clarity of hatred and the ecstasy of grief" though the setting certainly plays a big part. I love Giles but I agree on the mom, as the Genie from the 90's Aladdin says "Tell her the TRUTH!!!" I get the Cordelia ship for it's humor, and they do appear to be growing as people, but like Sam and Diane on Cheers and that couple I wrote in my first novel that was loosely inspired by said couple, these people barely belong on the same planet.  That watchers pet line feels like an attempt to lighten the tension but just didn't work for me. Oh dear, I've seen this too many times and am finding flaws in perfection 😰 "I've read all the parenting books" makes me laugh so hard.  Your face when Willow found her fish, related so hard. I mean WTF!? The floppy disk, the original USB/flashdrive although they were double that size once.


In spanish we called them Disket xD I remember going to cybers and saving Card Captor Sakura photos in them x'D Gooood!