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Hello!! Sorry for the delay, internet have been ridiculous as always. Here are the 2 episodes I owe you hope you enjoy!!

Episode 5: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1VdcVoydDXV6p_sbJ05xCIlFsjxhgdhfI

Episode 6: https://drive.google.com/open?id=15v72wBVqdnx9bgcbkGnz-ft5no9HVsN_


Star Trek Reaction S01E05.mp4



It's a testament to Gene Roddenberry's vision of the future that this show was made...although not every idea or thought he had was a good one. The average budget for each first season episode was $190,635. Compare that to a show like Game of Thrones, that by the sixth season had an average budget per episode of over $10 million. It's not surprising that you don't know any of the actors considering this is back from the 60s. Most of the original cast is dead now and even among those still alive, Shatner and Takei are the only ones still acting. Shatner is actually a Shakespearean-trained performer. Nimoy, on the other hand, just took a few drama classes at Boston College before moving to Hollywood. Also, Shatner is what's known as a ham actor, or someone who "chews the scenery" when he acts. It's basically a way of saying that he over-acts in an effort to outshine his co-performers and get the spotlight on himself. As you can guess, ham actors can be difficult to work with.

Barbara Ann Baker

Anyone else, upon hearing about a man, clothed in the shower, instantly thought "🎶Weird Science!🎶" Ah 80's movies. Fully agreed, using a butter knife was silly, not impossible, but I seriously would laugh if someone pulled a butter knife, so many better, easier weapons. And don't they have phasers? I think these two episode have a lot of unintentionally ridiculously memable humor. I do think the latter episode seems a plausible explanation for Whedon exploring the split personality so much. Vampires being a person essentially without their conscience, but still them as you probably noticed having seen Angel change. I appreciate that in a lot of ways he also does it with less judgement than could be laid, because impulse is not action without the full use of our brain. Kind of why minors get more of a pass than adults, underdeveloped frontal lobe.


I don't think there's a weapons locker in the rec room where Tormolen snapped, so...gotta use what's at hand.