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Hi guys!!

I KNOW. This is the worst schedule ever ToT I'm sorry! I had the worst week ever. First I had the mono thing and I went to the lab to get the test done and they didnt know which one it was so I couldnt do it. Then I got an ear infection (still cant hear from that ear), then I lost one of my best friends (he's alive lol)... it was a hell of a week but to make it up to you I'm gonna be posting 5 Lost episodes next week and 5 Agents of Shield episodes the week after that. I wanted to post the 5 Lost and AoS episodes the same week but I'll never have them exported in time so one week one and next week the other :P Hope you guys dont mind!



Christopher simeon

Read the schedule. I think it’s only fair that shield gets more episodes first since it gets less episodes to begin with but your choice. It doesn’t have to be 5 If that’s to much just more than two.


I know, but Lost is the most popular that's why I picked it first and already filmed the 5 episodes. AoS will be the week after Lost, sorry x.x;