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Hey guys!! Here's my extended reaction to episode 24 hope you enjoy!!

Really sorry but I couldnt find episode 23 :/ I emptied my computer's trash last week (I needed space) so I couldnt just export it again. I guess I'm not that surprised but at the same time I cant blame whatever sickness I have and hasnt leave me in over a week xDU




David Caine

Henry liked to play mindgames with the group to throw them off their game and cause havoc and chaos perhaps to get an edge over them. He liked to taunt Locke and Jack to get them at each other's throats. He knew what he was doing to get Ana Lucia mad at him. He didn't count on Sayid though. Locke should have known something was going to happen. He had visions that led him to opening the hatch. Coincidences greater than winning the lottery were happening with the hatch. Hurley's numbers on the hatch and the computer? Jack knowing Desmond? Eko's plane and his visions of his brother? Locke's paralysis being healed completely? But now the explosion of the hatch was detected by Desmond's girlfriend. Maybe Locke's crisis of faith was meant to be.


True! Sayid is not that easy to manipulate, he's an exper. Good thing he's on our team! haha and well, maybe Locke was always in the right path, yeah... but what made him do all that? I still dont understand if the island is alive or its like God or what the hell Dx

Victor L.

Man, this show is do good! Can't wait for your reaction to 3.01!