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Hey guys!

So as I have already said I' not gonna be posting reactions this week. I said I was gonna take the week off but nope x'D I'm still filming and editing I just want to be as ahead as I can (a week lol) so if I get a blackout or I have internet issues or if anything happens I wot stress too much about it. Usually I filmed and edited like 3 days before posting. I'm someone who NEEDS to have a schedule planned before the week starts but when something unplanned happens (like when I had to take my dog to the vet a few weeks ago and pent like 4 hours in line waiting. Or when I found Kori {my now cat :D} and I had to go buy her food, take her to the vet etc) I get behind schedule and therefore I'm late editing/posting the reactions. I have always been that way (with the schedule) I hate surprise visits I hate emergencies, I hate everything that I didnt plan the Sunday afternoon before the week started x'D So I'm back to filming/editing with a week ahead before posting (I used to do that months ago) so I wont disappoint you and I wont get stressed about disappointing you x'DU sorry about this week!

P.S: The photo has nothing to do with the post I just like posting random pictures when I do I post like this x'D



Victor L.

No problem, Sora. Take the time you need. (and that's quite a dress!)