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Ah, the one thing I hate the most about drawing hetero p*rn...penises. And to avoid having "Erect Penis" in my browser history, I had to delete my browser history immediately. You guys have no idea how difficult it was in my first years of drawing hentai to get used to look at penises for references. Since then I have seen things no straight guy should ever have to see, but it also made me stronger...

Enough about dicks, let's talk about tits instead. You see that one panel on the second page where her tits are in the focus? Originally I imagined a face shot there, but then remembered that I wanted to avoid having to draw hair if possible, and figured this would be a good spot. Heck, I wished I could have done this more often, but alas you need to find the right moment to do this, otherwise it wouldn't look right.




Hah the "hard" work you need to put in for anatomical accuracy! I get ya though, having to look things up you'd rather not. Great work as always, I look forward to seeing these panels come together :)