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[Update 13.January 2022] Added lineart and flat coloring versions.

First off, I'm sorry for the delay. I don't know what it is about December that makes me always late, but it certainly seems to be a trend with me. I mean, sure, family meetings due to holidays get in the way, but not THAT much. I will do a quick speech bubble addition tomorrow, but the finished product will be in color. Unfortunately, i won't be able to finish it this month.(obviously, considering only one and a half days remain....)

Anyway, this is the start of the next long running comic. I didn't intend it to be a longer comic, but the script once again was so detailed, I just had to do it like this. But considering my last long running comic was well received, I think you guys don't mind ;)

As some of you may notice, I have done an artwork with these characters before back here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/random-artwork-57959414

Now, the big panel of page 4 i LOOOOVE. I had the idea for this panel while reading the original script, and I am sooo happy that for once i was able to accurately draw what i had in my imagination. (for example, the kneeling pose right above it is horrible, I think i will redraw it next month) Let's just hope the colored version will be just as good.




Agreed, the 4th panel looks awesome ❤️


I’m really excited for this one. And that fourth panel is lovely.