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Hi folks.

It took some time to get right but we are finally done with the official StP logo!

We actually went through a crap ton of iterations till we got to this point... We'll be sharing the long journey of logo roughs that will never see the official light of day on a patrons only post very soon. (Probably within the hour.

Check it out if you're interested~!


Big thanks to http://qbemedium.com/ for putting up with our many many retakes. 




The kerning is really interesting to make it wider. The white line breaking up the thicker part of the font is awesome, totally fits the feel of fault!


Looks really nice, good job!!


Nice. I'm still always reminded how cool the fault icon looks when I see it.


After reading the designer notes and looking that final design, it really is the best of both worlds and looks snazzy to boot.


I like it! It still not something I want to tattoo on my forehead though lol Is the change official for all fault entries or is this just for StP?


Love it, especialy the "Over center whitout glow". :)


Looks amazing! I like how it emphasises the title while still keeping "fault" in the title as part of the fault series.