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Meet Adia, a brand new character that will appear in SILENCE THE PENDAT (and subsequent Rughzenhaide stories)! This is her and her  「ファリン」(phonetic translation: Pharin)'s final design.  

Adia is currently training to become a professional「ファリナー」(phonetic translation: Phariner) which is a person who operates a pharin  (a special type of boat made for 2 purposes listed below). 

She handles the area of where Ritona and Flora lives (Q1) and Ritona, along with Flora calls her to get to places (but only certain times of the day since she is still in training.) 

Pharriners have 2 main jobs:

1) Operate a pharin to transport people within Rughzenhaide (basically a water taxi) and...

2) Clean the water of the water ways with a special environmental kravte during transport. 

Thank to Phariners, Rughzenhaide's water ways never go stagnant and are so clean it is crystal clear all year round and is also known for being drinkable. 

And yes, for those who are wondering; the homage levels are high.





Funny that this gets posted literally the day after I finished watching Aria: The Natural. Digging everything about this character!


"the homage levels are high." There are very few things more worth giving homage to, so I am very pleased by this.


Oh wow... Time to rewatch Aria. Such a lovely series. So lovely I bought the entire series from Rightstuf. Only missing thing is she should wear something on her hands haha. So now we're going to fault + Aria? YEAH YEAH :D