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Hello folks.

Munisix here. I’ve been fighting off a rather persistent cold that’s taken me out for a good portion of the month… It seems my constitution has been weakening ever since last years hospitalization (either that or I’m just getting older). I think the storm has passed though, as I’m feeling better today. 

We’re still working on MS2b and it’s very apparent now that we won’t be able to release it within the year with the current schedule. There’s still a bit more work that needs to be done and lot check for Nintendo currently is 2+ months so even if we finished it today it won’t make it in time before the end if the year. We’re so fucking sorry. It frustrates me to no end that these delays are becoming a terrible cursed tradition at this point… but we’re on it though, we promise. Light is at the end of the tunnel. Speaking of light…  LIGHTKRAVTE might even come out first before MS2b at this pace… but I digress.

On a more positive note… a certain game-creator hit us up a while back and asked us if they can use Ritona and Selphine as background characters in a fighting game they were making! We’ve known these folks for a while so were more than happy to share our character and here are the results!

We were asked not to release the title of the game yet because there’s hasn’t been an official announcement from the publisher but we were given the green light to show off the final characters in side of the game! What’s kind of nuts is that this game is destined for actual brick and mortar arcades across North America, Japan and Asia. Pretty coooooool.

Anyways, apologies for the quietness this month! More news to come in December! 

I know the world is once again falling under the threat of additional bullshit but I hope everyone keeps strong and stay safe.

Wishing you all the best,


PS And now a word from Hare-san:



キャラの雰囲気もばっちりなドット絵に仕上げて頂きました!! こんなにしっかり登場させて頂けて感激の至り…! 





Ritona and Selphine in Inaho-chou Dynamite Bomb!

Ritona and Selphine sneaks in as background guest characters in Inaho-chou Dynamite Bomb! Our homes: ▪ Steam: http://bit.ly/steam_aid ▪ Homepage: http://www.projectwritten.com Keep yourself up-to-date: ▪ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/projectwritten/ ▪ Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/projectwritten ▪ Discord:http://www.discord.gg/2fZ8hXB


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